Tuesday, August 3, 2010

DB2 on the machine operating instructions guide

1. Start an instance (db2inst1):


2. Stop the instance (db2inst1):


3. List of all instances (db2inst1)


5. Lists the current instance:

db2 get instance

4. This sample configuration file:

db2 get dbm cfg | more

5. Update the database manager parameter information:

db2 update dbm cfg using para_name para_value

6. Create database:

db2 create db test

7. This database configuration parameter information

db2 get db cfg for test | more

8. Update the database configuration parameter

db2 update db cfg for test using para_name para_value

10. Delete the database:

db2 drop db test

11. Connect to the database

db2 connect to test

12. List of all table space for more information.

db2 list tablespaces show detail

13. Query data:

db2 select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from tb1

14. Data:

db2 delete from tb1 where id = 1

15. Create Index:

db2 create index idx1 on tb1 (id);

16. Create a view:

db2 create view view1 as select id from tb1

17. Query view:

db2 select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from view1

18. Node cataloging

db2 catalog tcp node node_name remote server_ip server server_port

19. This port number

db2 get dbm cfg | grep SVCENAME

20. Test node then attached

db2 attach to node_name

21. Look at the local node

db2 list node direcotry

22. Node anti-cataloging

db2 uncatalog node node_name

23. Database catalogs

db2 catalog db db_name as db_alias at node node_name

24. This database cataloging

db2 list db directory

25. Connect to the database

db2 connect to db_alias user user_name using user_password

26. Database anti-cataloging

db2 uncatalog db db_alias

27. Export Data

銆??db2 export to myfile of ixf messages msg select backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html generate.sh log maint sitemap.html svn tmp from tb1


銆??db2 import from myfile of ixf messages msg replace into tb1

銆??29.瀵煎嚭鏁版嵁搴撶殑鎵?湁琛ㄦ暟鎹?br />
銆??db2move test export


銆??db2look -d db_alias -a -e -m -l -x -f -o db2look.sql

銆??31.鍒涘缓鏁版嵁搴?br />
銆??db2 create db test1


銆??db2 -tvf db2look.sql


銆??db2move db_alias import


銆??db2 reorgchk


銆??db2 reorg table tb1


銆??db2 runstats on table tb1


銆??db2 backup db test


銆??db2 restore db test

銆??399.鍒楀嚭瀹瑰櫒鐨勪俊鎭?br />
銆??db2 list tablespace containers for tbs_id show detail


銆??db2 ceate table tb1(id integer not null,name char(10))

銆??41.鍒楀嚭鎵?湁琛?br />
銆??db2 list tables


銆??db2 insert into tb1 values(1,鈥檚am鈥?;

銆??db2 insert into tb2 values(2,鈥檚mitty鈥?;


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